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Softex implements a remote education project that targets three areas of professional training: knowledge, training and opportunities. These are online introductory courses in Information Technology, programming, skills development and gamified content. The target audience is young people and adults seeking a professional opportunity, and people who are still unsure what career they would like to follow. The program is being temporarily reformulated.

Guidelines linked to the project



new students enrolled
0 +
graduates and certifications
0 +
*Data for 2020.

Últimas notícias

Conheça as 44 empresas que participarão do TechD

Braskem, Embraer, Furukawa, Klabin, Marcopolo, Positivo, Sercomtel e Votorantim são algumas das empresas-âncora do programa A inovação aberta (open innovation), processo de compartilhar desafios e

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