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Created 7 years ago by Dr. Monica Andersen, Dona Science is an example worth following. This collection of 51 comic books – 8 of which have been transformed into short films of up to three minutes in length – presents science and its concepts in a fun and uncomplicated way, and now it has gotten an upgrade: the project has become a webseries that aims to show all of society how to benefit from the discoveries of scientists and researchers. The goal is for the webseries to impact around 1 million teachers and the children’s and youth audience within one year.

It took a year of work to transform the comic books into videos. The themes covered were The Importance of Sleep, Cri Du Chat Syndrome, Women’s Participation in Science, Vaccination, Drug Addiction, Accessibility, Global Warming, and the Importance of Science in High School.

The Dona Science webseries is a partnership between the Research Incentive Fund Association – Afip; and the Brazilian Software Excellence Promotion Association – Softex.

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