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We prepare workers for the latest challenges of the labor market and promote free, online, safe and certified education in technology. Softex manages all of the School’s technological training courses, from curating content to monitoring students. Developed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in partnership with Microsoft.

Guidelines linked to the project



people impacted
+ 0
participants trained
+ 0
applications received
+ 0
students enrolled
+ 0
*Data for 2022.

Últimas notícias

Conheça as 44 empresas que participarão do TechD

Braskem, Embraer, Furukawa, Klabin, Marcopolo, Positivo, Sercomtel e Votorantim são algumas das empresas-âncora do programa A inovação aberta (open innovation), processo de compartilhar desafios e

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