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Launched in 2021, MCTI Futuro is a national training program for digital transformation, an initiative by MCTI that is managed by Softex and which contributes to strengthening RD&I. The program benefits thousands of students at varying levels of education, from basic to advanced qualification, boosting the number of professionals for digital transformation throughout Brazil.

Guidelines linked to the project

Education, Innovation


+ 0
active courses
*Data for 2022.

Últimas notícias

Conheça as 44 empresas que participarão do TechD

Braskem, Embraer, Furukawa, Klabin, Marcopolo, Positivo, Sercomtel e Votorantim são algumas das empresas-âncora do programa A inovação aberta (open innovation), processo de compartilhar desafios e

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